Hey there. I am a front-end engineer based in Austin, TX. I specialize in creating Native Web Apps using JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5. The majority of my free time is spent on experimenting and exploring new libraries and client-side tools for web applications. I am also a visual designer who thinks in code. All that means is when I design a UI, I usually go from Sketch (by Bohemiancoding) to HTML/CSS3/JavaScript. My interests are in JavaScript, CSS, Typography, User Experience and Visual Design.
My personal website is my playground. There is no intended audience except myself. It's primarily the place where I talk about visual design and the lessons I have learned. My goal for the website is to show a catalog of personal projects and designs. It will be very helpful to look back on how my design philosophy and aesthetic has changed over the years. I hope this website will continue to push me to create visuals that are everlasting and timeless. This website is a creative outlet for me without any self-censorship or audience consideration.